
Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance

We are excited to announce an upcoming seminar titled Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance, organized by Simone Wolf. The seminar will be conducted in English.

Seminar Overview

In this two-day seminar, participants will delve into the fundamental principles of using touch based on the deeper forces of organization and health. The seminar will explore therapeutic capacity and somatic healing through touch and embodied relational resonance, integrating the principles of NARM and Craniosacral Therapy. This approach is not just a combination of these models but a fundamental orientation towards engaging with the life force in a more direct and less verbal manner.

The seminar will create a learning space where participants can experience the essence of connecting with the Breath of Life in therapeutic work. Through this journey, we will deepen our understanding of how inner spaciousness and resonance are interconnected and essential for any embodied therapy. The sessions will include both teaching and hands-on practice with touch, resonance, and the relational field.

As the days build on each other and a lot is practiced in pairs, it is not advisable to attend just one day.

A follow-up seminar (also for beginners) is planned for January 2025.

Who Should Attend

This seminar is ideal for individuals with a background in NARM and other psychodynamic approaches that emphasize a process-oriented, moment-to-moment methodology. Participants will gain insights into how incorporating touch and a deeper understanding of the life force within us can support profound healing processes.

About the Instructor

Karima has been passionate about human relationships from an early age, driven by the complexities of interpersonal dynamics. Her personal and professional journey has been rooted in acceptance, compassionate self-inquiry, and mindfulness. This foundation has led her to specialize in trauma within human relationships, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and the NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM).

Since 2011, Karima has been leading and co-leading trainings and seminars on the biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy both in Slovenia and internationally. Since 2015, she has been a key teacher and supervisor for NARM trainings across Europe. In recent years, her focus has shifted towards exploring the interplay between the forces of life and health and early adaptations that influence our sense of self. This has culminated in developing principles based on touch, resonance, intersubjectivity, and relational dynamics.


Karima speaks easily understandable English.

Contact Information

For more information about the seminar, location details, and registration, please contact the organizer, Simone Wolf, at

Join us for an enriching experience that combines theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of embodied psychodynamic resonance.

How to get there

Wennigsen is 20 km from Hanover and is easily accessible from the central station with the S1 and S2 trains. Walking distance to Musicon 10 minutes, pick-up possible if necessary.

Overnight accommodation

There are some private accommodation in the neighborhood, as well as hotels in Wennigsen.


If there is sufficient interest, an Ayurvedic meal could be organized at the seminar venue, otherwise self-organization.


7th - 8th November 2024

  • Time: 10:00 - 18:00 (with a 1.5-hour lunch break)


The price of the seminar is 255 EUR


  • until 15.10. (preferably earlier) to Simone Wolf
  • with a deposit of 60€ to her account DE95 2505 0180 0020 0113 34


7th - 8th November 2024


Musicon, Albert-Einstein-Str. 2a, 30974 Wennigsen


255 EUR


  • Karima Valentina Hočevar

    Karima Valentina Hočevar


Karima Valentina Hočevar

Karima Valentina Hočevar

Karima Valentina Hočevar is a graduate of the School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubljana with a major in Human Resources Management. She is a certified therapist for various approaches: Craniosacral Resonance, the NeuroAffective Relational Model, Somatic Experiencing, Integral Somatic Psychology and Learning Love. She is also a dance yoga teacher. 

In the field of Craniosacral Resonance she has been (co-)leading trainings and seminars in Slovenia and abroad since 2011. In the NeuroAffective Relational Model she has been part of a team of teachers and supervisor for trainings in many European countries since 2015.

For registration please contact