Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance

We are excited to announce an upcoming seminar titled Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance, organized by Simone Wolf. The seminar will be conducted in English.

NEW: NARM Training with Beate Leisse, MD at a Beautiful Monastery!

We are excited to share an incredible opportunity for professional growth and development.


We offer professional trainings in world-leading, advanced body-centered therapeutic approaches, in person in Slovenia and online. We also offer unique seminars and experiential workshops in personal development.

Seminar on early attachment

This expert-level seminar provides an in-depth exploration of somatic therapeutic interventions tailored to early attachment disorders.

We will learn to develop a clinical awareness of the body’s communication through present sensations, subtle movements and emotional responses.

Our training programmes go beyond just acquiring knowledge and learning new skills. They provide a journey into understanding the underlying causes of physical and mental health complaints and diagnosed disorders, and experiencing who we are as human beings behind the veil of our adaptations and behavioural strategies.

We provide comprehensive training in therapeutic modalities that are recognized as depth-oriented, somatically-based, relational, and resource-oriented models. These approaches have been shown through clinical evidence and research to bring about desired personal transformation and growth.

Who Are Our Trainings For?

Our trainings are suitable for professionals from a variety of backgrounds such as psychotherapists, counsellors, coaches and other mental health professionals, social workers and educators, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, physiotherapists and other body workers, first responders, etc.

Seminars & Workshops - Opportunities to Deepen Self-Awareness & Develop New Skills

In addition to professional trainings, we offer seminars and workshops to impart practical, applicable knowledge and support personal growth. Our seminars and workshops are designed for individuals looking to deepen their understanding of themselves and develop specific skills.




Seminar Announcement: Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance

Seminar Announcement: Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance

Join Us for NARM Training with Beate Leisse, MD at a Beautiful Monastery!

Join Us for NARM Training with Beate Leisse, MD at a Beautiful Monastery!


What gets in the Way Of Intimacy and Close Connection

What gets in the Way Of Intimacy and Close Connection

Inspiration: A source of Life and Connection

Inspiration: A source of Life and Connection

Safety, trust, support, equality, empowerment

Safety, trust, support, equality, empowerment

In-depth Professional Trainings

Currently we organize in-depth professional trainings (for certification):


Healing Developmental Trauma (NeuroAffective Relational Model®, NARM®)

A comprehensive psychodynamic and body-oriented approach to treating the consequences of developmental and relational trauma.


Somatic Experiencing® professional training (SE™)

SE™ is designed to work with overwhelming life experiences. The aim is to support the self-regulating capacity of the nervous system.


Craniosacral Resonance

A comprehensive psychodynamic and body-oriented approach to treating the consequences of developmental and relational trauma.

Trainers and assistants hold permits from institutions below.

  • The Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America

  • European Association for Somatic Experiencing

  • NARM Training Institute

Supporting Greater Connection

We see ourselves as part of the emerging global trauma-informed, somatically-oriented movement. Our trainings, seminars and workshops provide an opportunity to gain new knowledge, skills and learn from each other. In that way we contribute to a more connected planet with less individual and collective suffering.

Supporting Greater Connection


All Trainings

Two-Year Professional Training

Craniosacral Resonance

Craniosacral resonance is based on the “breath of life” concept. The breath of life is a universal creative principle which sustains and connects all life functions within all living organisms, including humans. An experienced craniosacral practitioner feels the expression of the breath of life as slow, rhythmic motion, similar to the tide. With a gentle, tuned and specific positioning of the hands, the practitioner listens to and supports the forces of the breath of life in their different expressions, thus enabling the body to access its own self-healing and regenerative resources.

Course schedule

  • Module I:

    5th-9th February 2025

  • Module II:

    4th-8th June 2025

  • Module III:

    10th-14th December 2025

  • Module IV:

    18th - 22nd February 2026

  • Module V:

    27th - 31st May 2026




  • Chintan Vacheron

    Chintan Vacheron

  • Karima Valentina Hočevar

    Karima Valentina Hočevar

SE™ is designed to work with overwhelming life experiences. The aim is to support the self-regulating capacity of the nervous system. As a result of a traumatic situation, our nervous system can get stuck in a state of alarm. SE™ enables us to find a state of relaxation from the permanent inner state of alertness. Attention at SE™ is not so much focused on the event, but primarily on the body's reaction to this traumatic experience. Through holistic sensing it is possible to release the energy bound in the nervous system without remembering the cause. Repeated reactivation and re-experiencing of traumatic memories is not necessary.

Course schedule

  • Module I:


  • Module II:


  • Module III:


  • Module IV:


  • Module V:


  • Module VI:



  • Dr. Abi Blakeslee

    Dr. Abi Blakeslee

  • Dr. Glyndie Nickerson

    Dr. Glyndie Nickerson

NARM® is a comprehensive psychodynamic and body-oriented approach to treating the consequences of developmental and relational trauma. NARM® draws on psychodynamic models such as object relations theory; attachment theory and character structure approaches, as well as mindfulness and contemplative approaches.

Course schedule

  • 1st module:

    To be announced.

  • 2nd module:

    To be announced.

  • 3rd module:

    To be announced.

  • 4th module:

    To be announced.


City Hotel Ljubljana, Dalmatinova 15, Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • Ralf Marzen

    Ralf Marzen

Seminars & Workshops

All Seminars & Workshops
Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance


Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance

We are excited to announce an upcoming seminar titled Introduction into the Embodied Psychodynamic Resonance, organized by Simone Wolf. The seminar will be conducted in English.

  • 7th - 8th November 2024

  • Musicon, Albert-Einstein-Str. 2a, 30974 Wennigsen

  • Karima Valentina Hočevar

  • 255 EUR

NARM Training with Beate Leisse, MD at a Beautiful Monastery!

NARM Training with Beate Leisse, MD at a Beautiful Monastery!

We are excited to share an incredible opportunity for professional growth and development.

  • Module 1: 15th - 19th May 2025

  • Portuguese Center for Mindfulness

Introductory e-seminar provides a theoretical and practical introduction to trauma healing through Somatic Experiencing® (SE™).

Introductory e-seminar provides a theoretical and practical introduction to trauma healing through Somatic Experiencing® (SE™).

This introductory seminar is a mandatory prerequisite for the three-year SE training program and is aimed at professionals from therapeutic, educational, medical and other healing professions.

  • Postponed indefinitely, no new date has been set.

  • online

  • Dr. Glyndie Nickerson

  • /

How developmental trauma compromises our capacity to be fully alive and live our creative potential


How developmental trauma compromises our capacity to be fully alive and live our creative potential

  • To be announced.

  • To be announced.

  • Karima Valentina Hočevar

    Metka Kuhar

  • 190,00 € per Workshop


We see ourselves as part of the emerging global trauma-informed, somatically-oriented movement and see these trainings as an opportunity to learn from each other and contribute to a more connected planet with less individual and collective suffering.

Karima Valentina Hočevar

Karima Valentina Hočevar

Karima Valentina Hočevar, Founder of Mudita Institute,  is a graduate of the School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubljana with a major in Human Resources Management. She is a certified therapist for various approaches: Craniosacral Resonance™, the NeuroAffective Relational Model™, Somatic Experiencing™, Integral Somatic Psychology™ and Learning Love™. She is also a dance yoga teacher.

In the field of Craniosacral Resonance™ she has been (co-)leading trainings and seminars in Slovenia and abroad since 2011. In the NeuroAffective Relational Model™ she has been part of a team of teachers and supervisor for trainings in many European countries since 2015. 

Karima is also Co-founder and has been Procurator of Center Hočevar since 2017. 

Metka Kuhar

Metka Kuhar

Metka Kuhar, Professor of Social Psychology, works as a teacher and researcher at the University of Ljubljana and therapeutically at her private practice Metta

She is certified in Somatic Experiencing™, NeuroAffective Relational Model™ and Craniosacral Resonance™, and assists in Somatic Experiencing™ and Craniosacral Resonance™ trainings. Her current academic focus is psychological trauma and interpersonal communication (a bibliography can be found here.)

If you have any further questions, please contact us.